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Copyright issues

Advocate of the Law firm "YUST" Denis Shumskiy - for the magazine "Antique review".

The withholding of wages without the possibility of appeal

Associate partner of the Law firm "YUST", advocate, Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya and associate of the Law firm "YUST" Natalia Gornostay - for magazine "Labour disputes".

Is there a reason for sarcasm?

Associate of the Law firm "YUST" Natalia Gornostay - for the New advocatory newspaper.

International Private Law: Contemporary Practice.

The collection focuses on topical questions of the practical application of international law norms: from the conclusion of external economic transactions to the examination of disputes in state courts and international commercial arbitration bodies.

Disputes Between Joint Enterprises Concerning Articles of Association in the Practice of Foreign Arbitration Tribunals

An analysis of disputes between founders of joint enterprises enables the author to define a number of phenomena promoting the development of conflicts.

Jurisdictional Competition Between State Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation and Arbitration Tribunals

The article is devoted to the problem of drawing jurisdictional boundaries between State Arbitration Courts of the RF and arbitration tribunals.

Disposal of Russian Property Located Abroad.

The problems of locating, inventory, administration and disposal of Russian property abroad is a matter of constant public interest.

The Practice of State Immunity and the Problem of Legal Regulation.

The article contains a detailed examination of the concept of state immunity, describes the practice of foreign countries with regard to claims against the Soviet

Legal Regulation of Foreign Investments in Russia.

The collection includes articles dealing with various aspects of problems connected with the legal regulation of foreign investments in Russia...

A reload is inevitable

Advocate Vasily Raudin, Head of the Bankruptcy Group of the Law Firm "YUST", for the Ezh-Yurist newspaper.