Will social patronage provisions work?
The article “Perspectives of implementation of the social patronage as a legal institution of juvenile justice in the Russian Federation” was published in the “Yuridicheskiy Mir (Juridical World)” (No. 10, 2012). Ekaterina Shestakova, Lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", the author of the article, tells of the draft law, the provisions of which stipulate the implementation of social patronage. In particular, E.Shestakova analyses the problems and the possibility of establishing of certain institutions of protection of rights of underage children in Russia. She points out that the discussion of the perspectives of implementation of the so-called juvenile justice institutions as a mandatory element of the judicial system in Russia, as well as of the specialized executive bodies for the underage children, has become active again within the Russia legal community. Mentions of that it would be practicable to create specialized juvenile courts may be seen in the Resolution No. 1801-1 “On the Concept of judicial reform in the RSFSR” by the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated 24.10.1991.
The most significant steps towards the adoption of specialized legislation in the Russian Federation, on the basis of which juvenile courts and authorities would operate, were made in 1999-2002, when amendments and expansions to the Federal Constitutional Law No. 1-FKZ “On the judicial system of the Russian Federation” dated 31.12.1996 on the creation of juvenile courts were suggested three times.
However, all those attempts failed as the draft laws were dismissed by the State Duma. Only one draft law was adopted in the first reading in 2002, but its consideration was procrastinated.
For more details see here.