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Out-of-turn check

Vladimir Starovoytov, Associate of the Law Firm "YUST", on out-of-turn checks of businesses, for the Russian Business Newspaper.

VTB will get a part of Otkrytie for someone else’s debts

Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", for the Kommersant newspaper on the dispute around the shares of the Otkrytie holding.


Е4 accounts may be unblocked; the court did not order their seizure upon the claim from Alpha Bank

Advocate Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", commented for Interfax on the legality of the seizure of the E4 Group accounts.


Business will buy wood

Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", for RBC on the corrections to the Forest Code.


The client persists

Sergey Kolesnikov, Associate of the Law Firm "YUST", told the Russian Business Newspaper how to minimize business risks.


In crisis, it is more profitable to pay

Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", for the Kommersant newspaper on the crisis increase of sanctions on the defaulters

Dissolution instead of suspension

Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST",for the Russian Business Newspaper on the possibility to dissolve a legal entity and to terminate the activity of an individual entrepreneur for violations of the law.

The court explained how to punish corrupt officials

Vladimir Starovoytov, Associate of the Law Firm "YUST", spoke on the subject of disciplinary liability for corruption, for the joint project of Rossiyskaya Gazeta and Russia 24 TV channel.


No driving while indebted

Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", for the Vedomosti newspaper on the draft law, which will cancel the driver’s license in the case of non-payment of administrative fines.


Illegally acquired property of foreign citizens will be subject to confiscation in Russia

Advocate Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", for RBC on the new legislative initiative.
