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The first case of Russia in the WTO: causes and consequences

If the WTO rules Russia wrong on the matter of scrap due and if our country does not revoke the existing regime, sanctions by the EU are in order. For example, raised tariffs on the exports to that region, which is the largest commercial partner of the Russian Federation. Partner of the Law Firm "YUST" Alexander Bolomatov commented on the situation for RIA Novosti.

Rating of safety of tax ideas: taxes on income, property and insurance contributions

The “Tax Planning in Practice” magazine published a series of ideas that may help companies to save on taxes and contributions. Public officials, experts and practitioners expressed their views regarding the safety of those ideas. Advocate Maxim Rovinskiy, Head of Tax and Customs Law Practice, represented the Law Firm "YUST".

Confiscation of land plots in Moscow and the Moscow Region. What are the risks of the business?

The session of the Committee on legal support of business protection of the Managers’ Association of Russia took place at the Moscow International Business Center “Moskva-City”. Representatives of the Moscow Court of Private Arbitration, of the MIEL-Novostroyki Investment and Realtor Company, of Integra Developer Group, Russian law firms took part in the event. Specialists of the Law Firm "YUST", Senior Associate Alfiya Dausheva and Associate Ekaterina Motyvan, were invited to participate in the session.

The United Grain Company (UGC) will become an agent for grain interventions again

The bidding for electing the new official agent for grain interventions was not held, but the United Grain Company will most likely do those. There are no other contenders. Acting Head of Antitrust law group Radmila Nikitina comments on the situation.

Legal Aspect: Amnesty

The third release of the “Legal Aspect” program, authored and co-anchored by Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", was made by the Echo Moskvy radio station on October 4 of 2013. Together with the well-known journalist, anchor Yana Morozova, and the guests of the program – Tamara Morschakova, a retired Judge of the Constitutional Court of Russia, and Victor Zvagelsky, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on economic policy, innovative development and entrepreneurship, they discussed the idea of the amnesty in the light of the future decisions by the leaders of the country.

The XII International Investment Forum. The results

The XII International Investment Forum is a modern platform for a constructive dialogue between business and the power. It was successfully held in Sochi in late September. Senior Partner, Advocate Alexey Popov and Partner, Advocate, Doctor-at-Law Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya represented the Law Firm "YUST" at the event.

Experts: intellectual property in Russia is under protection

As per tradition, the Russian-Swiss Forum organized the Russian Lawgal Week in Zurich in September. Representatives of the public authorities from Europe and Russia, large Russian and international law firms, corporate lawyers and patent attorneys took part in the event. Advocate Denis Shumskiy, Associates Andrey Astanin, Yuliya Karpova, Igor Kostennikov and Ekaterina Motyvan represented the Law Firm "YUST".

Arkady Rotenberg has gotten into the Northern area. Sheremetyevo has chosen a new investor

Arkady Rotenberg’s TPS Avia became the key private investor of the Sheremetyevo airport. It won the tender on development of the Northern area of the airport (former Sheremetyevo-1 and neighboring terminals), even though it offered almost three times less investments than the competitor “Koltsovo Airport” OJSC (a structure of Victor Vekselberg’s “Renova”). The point is that the winner only claims the shares in the new JVs within the Northern area itself, and the losing competitor – to almost the entire airport. But in the case of TPS, the outcome may be the same, now the company is seen as the main aspirant to the state-owned stock of Sheremetyevo. Partner of the Law Firm "YUST" Alexander Bolomatov provided the Kommersant newspaper with an expert’s commentary on the situation.

Legal Aspect: extremism

The second “Legal Aspect” program was aired at the Echo Moskvy radio station on September 27 of 2013. Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", is the author and a co-anchor of the program. Together with a well-known journalist, anchor Yana Rozova, and the guests of the program Professor Valery Lazarev and lawyer Aidar Sultanov, he considered the matter of who and for what may be identified as an extremist.

Changes in the staff of the Law Firm "YUST"

Advocate Arthur Rokhlin, who has been Partner of the Law Firm "YUST" since 2005, terminated his advocate’s practice in the Firm for personal reasons. Election of Partners, Advocates Artem Kukin and Alexey Popov to Senior Partners of the Firm is the other change in the staff of YUST.