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An article by Irina Charkova, a lawyer at the Law firm “YUST”, concerning the procedure of calculating average earnings is published in the September issue of the “Labour disputes” magazine

An article by Irina Charkova, a lawyer at the Law firm “YUST”, concerning the procedure of calculating average earnings is published in the September issue of the “Labour disputes” magazine.

The Law firm "YUST" successfully defended the interests of the OJSC “Sterlitamak Machine Tool Plant” in arbitration courts in a dispute over the validity of a transaction

The lawyers at the Law firm "YUST" successfully defended the interests of the OJSC “Sterlitamak Machine Tool Plant” in arbitration courts in a dispute over the validity of a transaction.

An article by Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya, associate partner at the Law firm "YUST", and Natalia Gornostay, lawyer at the Firm, was published in the August issue of the “Labour Disputes” magazine

An article by Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya, associate partner at the Law firm "YUST", and Natalia Gornostay, lawyer at the Firm, was published in the August issue of the “Labour Disputes” magazine.

Advocates at the Law firm "YUST" successfully represented OJSC “MTS” in a dispute with a tax authority

The Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District by its ruling of 14.07.2010 upheld the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court of 12.01.2010 and the ruling of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal of 29.03.2010. By these the Arbitration Courts obliged the Russian Federal Interregional Inspectorate for Large Taxpayers No. 7 to credit the excessively charged sum of 223 million roubles of VAT towards future VAT payments

Advocates at the Law firm "YUST" successfully represented the LLC “Ernst & Young” in a dispute with a tax authority

The Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District by its ruling of 13.07.2010 upheld the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court of 23.12.2009 and the ruling of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal of 17.03.2010. These ruled invalid the tax authority demand to pay tax, penalty fee and fine, the decision to charge tax, penalty fee and fine from the monetary funds of the taxpayer, and the collection letters, and also charged the tax authority for interest that the sums of the tax, penalty fee and fine, which the tax authority had excessively (illegally) charged, accrued.

The Law firm "YUST" receives the highest appraisal from <i>Global Competition Rеview</i>, an influential English magazine in the area of antimonopoly legislation – for the third time in a row.

In the year 2010 the Law firm "YUST" received the highest appraisal from the Global Competition Rеview magazine in the area of antimonopoly legislation – the English edition estimated the level of legal practice of the Firm as “Elite”.

An article by Mikhail Prokopets, a Senior Lawyer at the Law firm "YUST", is published in the June issue of the “Labour Disputes” magazine

“Limits on legionaries: an analysis of the practice”, an article by Mikhail Prokopets, a Senior Lawyer at the Law firm "YUST", is published in the June issue of the “Labour Disputes” magazine that covers the matters of practice of settling labour disputes.

Associate partners at the Law firm "YUST" Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya and Alexander Bolomatov took part in the 5th CIS Local Counsel Forum in Minsk

Associate partners at the Law firm "YUST" Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya and Alexander Bolomatov took part in the 5th CIS Local Counsel Forum in Minsk on June 23rd – 25th, 2010

The lawyers of the Law firm "YUST" successfully defended the interests of the OJSC “Scientific and production venture “Respirator” in a patent dispute

The court of Savelovsky district of Moscow sustained the lawsuit of the OJSC “Scientific and production venture “Respirator” to M.V.Yu. to define the patent holder and rule the patents for two inventions partially invalid.

Andrey Lisitsyn-Svetlanov, Senior Partner at the Law Firm “YUST”, has taken part in the fourth annual IP Conference

The fourth annual IP Conference titled “Intellectual property: recent developments in court practice, problems and solutions” and organized by the Association of European Businesses was held on the 10th of June in Moscow.