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Private arbitration courts will only be allowed for NCOs – amendments to the draft law

Mikhail Chugunov, Advocate of the Law Firm "YUST", commented for the portal on the preliminary results of corrections to the draft laws on private arbitration for the second reading: private arbitration courts will be created only under non-commercial organizations, and only courts will have the right to dissolve them; but it is yet unclear which courts.

"United Russia" hopes to reduce the prison population by expelling pickers

Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", commented for the Vedomosti newspaper on the draft law moved by a group of the United Russia deputies headed by Irina Yarovaya. The draft law raises the upper plank of the administrative liability for theft to 5000 roubles from the current 1000 roubles. Criminal liability arises, when said amount is exceeded, or if a repeat offence for an amount over 1000 roubles is committed within one year.


The song will be paid for

Adviser of the Law Firm "YUST" Dmitry Seregin commented for the Rossiyskaya Gazeta on the news that the Government of Russia approved the draft of the amendments to the Civil Code entitling the authors of musical compositions to remuneration in the case of retransmission of those compositions

Notaries thwart raiders and “one-day” firms, when they notarize the decisions of general shareholders’ meetings

Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", told the Kommersant newspaper his opinion on the requirement to notarize the decisions of commercial companies’ management bodies introduced a year ago

D.Medvedev approved the creation of the Kamchatka ADA

Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", commented for on the importance of creation of an accelerated development area in Kamchatka and told why Korean investors show much interest in investing into Russian economy.


LUKOIL threatens Mikhail Leontiev with the courts

Partner of the Law Firm "YUST" Alexander Bolomatov commented for the RBC newspaper on the news that LUKOIL threatened Mikhail Leontiev, the Spokesman of Rosneft, who had voiced his doubts concerning the Company’s victory in the tender for the Eastern Taimyr plot.


A new type of fraud employed by the developers

The Russian developers have started to employ a new fraud. They indicate larger apartment areas in the documents, and the purchasers find out that their residences are in reality smaller, they refuse to return the money for the “false” square meters. And we are talking hundreds of thousands of roubles. Dmitry Zheleznov, Associate of the Law Firm "YUST", told on the air of the Russia’s Morning program on the Russia 1 TV channel what to do in the case of a fraud like this.


Faking salary certificates to receive credits is no longer needed

The days of the certificates of legal salary, which the banks used to require from potential borrowers, are going. The largest banks now receive the information on the real amounts of the legal salaries of each citizen directly from the State Pension Fund of Russia. The number of such queries is growing steadily: the banks have sent 3.4 million queries to the PFR in seven months. Olga Zaytseva, Associate of the Law Firm "YUST", told Nezavisimaya Gazeta how the situation will develop if a commercial bank, having received the information on the borrower from the PFR, transfers the powers to exact the debt to collectors, that is – cedes the rights to claim under an agreement of a consumer’s credit to a third party.


The investigators’ powers will be corrected

The senators decided to put the rules of familiarizing the accused and their defendants with the criminal cases in order. The respective amendments to the Penal Procedural Code have already been submitted to the State Duma. The investigation loses its ability to constantly add new documents to the criminal case files. On the other hand, the investigators will be able to set clear deadlines for the attorneys and their charges to read large books of the case materials. Igor Pastukhov, Adviser of the Law Firm "YUST", sees the draft law as a whole as “reasonable and useful”.


Rules for those who stick to them

Maxim Rovinskiy, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", commented for the Russian Business Newspaper on the Council of the Federation’s suggestion to introduce benefits for those Russian companies, which are honest taxpayers. Such benefits could include exemption from checks for certain periods, simpler and faster administrative proceedings, subsidies, granting tax extensions.
