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Debates of the parties: The Research Institute of systemic research of the Russian Academy of Sciences vs. ANCO “Design Bureau “Korund-M”

Olga Yakimova, Lawyer at the Law Firm "YUST", gave to the “Arbitration Practice” magazine an expert’s commentary on the issue of jurisdiction of the cases related to contesting internal documents of organizations.

NCN has checked the users

Olga Yakimova, Lawyer at the Law Firm "YUST", gave an expert’s commentary to the Internet daily “ComNews” on the subject of conditions, on which it would be legal to connect cable organizations to a common antenna.

Try and prove: second chance by the SCA for the customs officials to defend themselves

Igor Pastukhov, Advocate at the Law Firm "YUST", gave to the legal news web portal an expert’s commentary on the outlook of the dispute between “Rostek-HABAROVSK” CJSC and Amurskaya customs office, the case on which had been submitted to the Board of the Supreme Court of Arbitration of the Russian Federation.

Is keeping silent a sign of consent?

Alexander Yevdokimov, Advocate at the Law Firm "YUST", took part in the in absentia discussion of the procedure and conditions of application of Part 3.1 of Article 70 of the APCRF (acknowledgment of the circumstances not contested by a Party), organized by the editorial board of the “Venture’s Lawyer: Q&A” magazine

And who are the judges?

Igor Pastukhov, Advocate at the Law Firm "YUST", commented on the results of the judicial reform live at the “Open Studio” program of the “Peterburg” television channel (5 channel)

Letters from our readers

Alexander Petrov, Advocate at the Law Firm "YUST", answered the letters of the readers of “ezh-YURIST” newspaper (№ 50, December 2011)

Personal privilege for all: Personal Data Law hardly functions

Alexander Petrov, Advocate at the Law Firm "YUST", gave to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” a commentary on possible legal consequences of uploading personal data to the Internet.

An American company vs. a cybersquatter: another domain dispute successfully settled

Lawyers of the Law Firm "YUST" – Partner, Advocate Artem Kukin, Associate Partner, Advocate Alexander Bolomatov, Advocate Denis Shumskiy and Lawyer Natalia Gornostay – assisted Curves International Inc., a large American company, whose network of fitness clubs includes over 10000 facilities in 85 countries, in protecting its title to a trademark illegally used by an individual in the Internet.

An advocate is elected Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

On December 22 in Moscow, Andrey Lisitsyn-Sveltanov, Advocate, Professor, Doctor at Law, Senior Partner at the Law Firm "YUST", was elected Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the general meeting of the Academy – for the first time in the history of the Russian advocacy.

Experts: implementation of control over the expenses of state officials is an efficient measure

Alexey Popov, Partner at the Law Firm "YUST", Advocate, gave an expert’s commentary to the “PRIME” news agency on whether the implementation of control over the expenses of state officials, which the President mentioned during his speech in front of the Federal Assembly, will be an efficient measure of countering corruption.