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Antitrust regulation - 2012

On February 15, 2012 the Law Firm "YUST" held a seminar for the in-house lawyers of ROSNANO OJSC. The event focused on the “third antitrust package”: changes to the legislation and perspectives of its application.

The Jessup Championship finals: the team of a university from the capital wins the right to go to Washington

The annual Russian stage of the renowned international law competition for law students – the Jessup Championship – successfully ended on February 5th. Leading Russian and foreign lawyers acted as judges of preliminary rounds-hearings. Evgeny Zhilin, Associate Partner at the Law Firm "YUST", Manager of Foreign Projects, was one of them.

English experts: the Law Firm "YUST" is the leader in the antitrust regulation sphere

Law Business Research, a competent English publishing house, famous for its Getting the Deal Through and Who’s Who Legal series, drew up the annual research of antitrust law in Russia of the Global Competition Review series – “GCR 100 – 12th Edition”. The experts again included the Law Firm "YUST" among the leaders in the antitrust regulation sphere.

Lawyers approve of the idea to speed up consideration of business disputes by the courts

Alexey Popov, Advocate, Partner at the Law Firm "YUST", gave to RAPSI (RIA Novosti) an expert’s commentary on the idea to speed up consideration of business-related court cases.

No-money transaction

Arthur Rokhlin, Advocate, Partner at the Law Firm "YUST", gave to the “Vedomosti” newspaper an expert’s commentary on the possibilities of the businessman V.Anisimov to receive monetary proceeds from the sale of his shares of “Metalloinvest”, which were credited to a special deposit account because of court claims by B.Berezovsky.

A resolution by the Presidium of the SCARF published: a taxpayer has successfully proven his right to a setoff of the overpayment amount

Advocates of the Law Firm "YUST" – Alexey Popov, Partner, Advocate; Maxim Rovinskiy, Advocate, chief of tax and customs law practice; Igor Pastukhov, Advocate, tax advisor – successfully represented the interests of the “Mobile TeleSystems” OJSC in a dispute with a tax authority (Resolution № 8395/11, dated 10.11.2011, of the Board of SCARF on the case № A40-52351/09-126-304).

Experts: anti-offshore campaign may lead to pressures on the business

Alexey Popov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", Advocate, gave an expert’s commentary to the “Prime” IA (RIA “Novosti”) on the differences between legal ways to minimize taxes and using offshores for tax evasion.

The SCARF is to decide who is responsible for the manager

Artem Kukin, Advocate, Partner at the Law Firm "YUST", gave to Pravo.Ru an expert’s commentary on possible ways for the Presidium of the Supreme Court of Arbitration of Russia to contribute to the creation of an efficiently functioning mechanism of protection of the creditors’ rights in bankruptcy cases.

Ivanov: the Supreme Court of Arbitration will contribute to the development of understandable rights in the economy

Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", spoke to the Russian Agency of legal and court information (RAPSI/ on the occasion of the ceremony of the 20th anniversary of the system of courts of arbitration.

Challenges – 2012. What explanations the employers await from the Supreme Court

An article by Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya, Associate Partner at the Law Firm "YUST", Advocate, Doctor at Law, and Tatiana Samarina, Senior Lawyer at the Firm, Doctor at Law, was published in the “Labour Disputes” magazine №1 (January 2012). The article deals with legal collisions that could be resolved by virtue explanations of the Board of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, which are obligatory for the courts.