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Advertising of wine and champagne will return to the media and Internet

Advocate Alexander Yevdokimov, Head of Arbitration Practice of the Law Firm "YUST", gave the Izvestia newspaper a commentary on why the perspectives of adoption of the draft law on the return of advertising of alcoholic drinks are dubious.

KPI and Russian motivation in reality

Implementation and use of KPI needs to be documented by the employers at every stage. This was the conclusion reached by the experts at the round table organized by the “Kadrovoe Delo (Human Resources Business)” magazine at the “Personal Moscow 2013” exposition. Tatiana Samarina, Doctor at Law, Senior Lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", represented the Firm at the event.

Ecological pyramid

Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya, Doctor at Law, Associated Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", gave RAPSI (RIA Novosti) a commentary on whether liability for ecology crimes should be increased.

The triumph of the advocate’s profession

A solemn ceremony of awarding the National Award in the sphere of the Bar and advocacy was held at the Izvestia Hall on April 23 of 2013. Advocate Alexey Popov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", accepted the Triumph statuette in the name of the Firm.

A company’s income from innovations directly depends on the well-considered patent protection of those

Alexander Shugaev, Doctor at Law, Advocate of the Law Firm "YUST", explained in his article, which was published in the “Economy and Life” newspaper, how the entrepreneurs are able to protect the rights to results of intellectual activity.

Business and YUST against corruption

the Law Firm "YUST" will assist those businessmen, who will contact the ANO “Business against corruption”

Destruction of monuments will be prohibited

Ekaterina Motyvan, Lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", gave to portal a commentary on the draft law on protection of historic landmarks, which was adopted by the State Duma in the third reading.

It is suggested that sportsmen should open accounts

Mikhail Prokopets, Head of Sports Law Group of the Law Firm "YUST", explained to the Kommersant newspaper the rules of budget subsidizing of sports clubs that exist in the legislation of the regions.

Draft law: respondents in arbitration proceedings will be obliged to pay for the non-performance of non-cash obligations

Advocate Alexander Bolomatov, Associated Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", shared with Pravo.RU his views on the consequences of the latest law-making initiative.

The Chamber of Accounts accounted for an excess

Advocate Arthur Rokhlin, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", told the Vedomosti newspaper about the liability that the company management may incur for misapplication of budget funds.