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A crime may be reported or a surrender request filed through Internet

Alexander Petrov, Advocate at the Law Firm "YUST", gave Pravo.RU an expert’s commentary on the draft law, which introduces a number of amendments to the Penal Procedural Code, Administrative Procedural Code, Civil Procedural Code of Russia, AOCRF, the Laws “On digital signature”, “On information, information technologies and protection of information” etc.

Does part 4 of Article 11 of the Competition Protection Law contain prohibitions per se?

An article by Egor Svechnikov, Lawyer at the Law Firm "YUST", was published in the “Ekonomika I Zhizn (Economy and Life)” newspaper (No. 24, 2012). The article explains whether the amount of unconditional prohibitions on agreements between economy subjects, which are fixed by the Competition Protection Law, decreased.

Lawyers of “YUST” won the “five per cent rule” dispute for Procter&Gamble in the SCA of Russia

Today, the Board of the SCA of Russia has revoked the ruling and the decisions of the Moscow District courts, which took the side of the tax authorities. The latter presumed exception to the “five per cent rule”, which makes the tax accounting easier. In the court session, the tax authority’s position was called illegal and illogical. Igor Pastukhov, Advocate and Tax Advisor of the Law Firm "YUST", represented the taxpayer’s (Procter&Gamble) interests.

To be discussed. Real rights in the new edition of the CCRF

Arthur Rokhlin, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", took part in the “To be discussed” program on the “Zakon TV” television channel. The amendments to the real rights part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, submitted to the State Duma, were the theme of the program.

The SCA complicates the sureties’ life

The SCA of Russia considered a case, the essence of which is a good illustration of how important it is to produce a resolution on surety-related disputes. The courts took the opinion that the surety’s obligation to conform to the currency legislation and change of the governing law is an unfavorable consequence, which terminates the surety obligation. The supervision judges did not agree with this. Vasiliy Raudin, Lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", gave Pravo.Ru an expert’s commentary on this case.

Former shareholder of one of the most known fish processing plants was not able to contest the sale of his charter capital shares

On May 29, 2012, the Federal Court of Arbitration of the Far Eastern District left unchanged the decision by the Fifth Arbitration Court of Appeal and the ruling of the Court of Arbitration of the Southern Sakhalin Region, according to which a former shareholder of “Kompaniya “Tunaycha”” LLC had not been able to contest the sale of the charter capital share owned by him earlier. Lawyers of the Law Firm "YUST" – Advocate Alexander Yevdokimov, head of Arbitration Court Practice, and Lawyer Yulia Karpova – represented the interests of the purchasers of the charter capital share of “Tunaycha”, and the interests of the Company itself.

Sports law: perspectives of development

The VI International Scientific Conference “Sports law: perspectives of development” was held on May 30 with the support from the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. Representatives of the Ministry, of the leading Russian universities, lawyers of the Organizing Committee “Russia 2018”, football clubs and noted sports lawyers took part in the event. Mikhail Prokopets, Head of sports law practice of the Law Firm "YUST", represented the Firm.

“Sports Law”: a new magazine in the legal press market

The first issue of the “Sports Law” scientific and practice magazine was published with the support from the Law Firm "YUST" and the “Statut” editorial house.

Mediation practice: problems and solutions

Can an advocate be a mediator? How can the principle of confidentiality of the agreement reached by mediation be combined with the principle of openness of the trial? Will the increase of litigation costs of a party stimulate resorting to mediation? In what situations this procedure may be beneficial for the parties? Participants of the discussion club organized by the “Venture’s lawyer in Q&A” answered the most topical questions of application of the mediation procedure. Advocate Alexander Evdokimov, Head of Arbitration Court Practice of the Law Firm "YUST", represented the Firm at the event.

Yury Pilipenko: “The advocate’s monopoly is a natural one”

Speaking on the perspective of the advocate’s monopoly in our country, the advocates’ community strives to establish civilized rules of rendering legal services. The state becomes an active participant of the economic relations, creating huge legal staff with unbelievably high salaries in every structure. Large law firms take many cases gratuitously, feeling their responsibility towards the society. Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", spoke on these as well as other problems in an interview for the Russian Law and Judicial Information Agency.