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Contestation of transactions by spouses

An article by Advocate Tatiana Starikova, Head of Private Clients’ Practice of the Law Firm "YUST", and Igor Kostennikov, Lawyer of the Firm, on the subject of the possibilities of one spouse to contest the transaction executed by the other spouse was published in the Corporate Lawyer magazine (No. 9, September of 2012).

Domain name: How to protect the right to a trade mark

An article by Denis Shumskiy, Advocate of the Law Firm "YUST", on what circumstances the rightholder needs to prove in order to win a domain dispute, was published in the “Arbitration Practice” magazine (No. 7, 2012).

Complaints to the instances of appeal and cassation: 25 dangerous mistakes

The book “Complaints to the instances of appeal and cassation: 25 dangerous mistakes” has been published. Alexander Yevdokimov, Head of Judicial Arbitration Practice of the Law Firm "YUST", is of the co-authors. The book contains the results of the summary of defects encountered during the contesting of acts by courts of arbitration. Representatives of courts of arbitration and of large law companies are among the co-authors of the book.

Does part 4 of Article 11 of the Competition Protection Law contain prohibitions per se?

An article by Egor Svechnikov, Lawyer at the Law Firm "YUST", was published in the “Ekonomika I Zhizn (Economy and Life)” newspaper (No. 24, 2012). The article explains whether the amount of unconditional prohibitions on agreements between economy subjects, which are fixed by the Competition Protection Law, decreased.

Mediation practice: problems and solutions

Head of litigation and arbitration practice of the Law firm "YUST" Alexander Evdokimov - for the journal "Lawyer of the company in questions and answers".

Yury Pilipenko: “The advocate’s monopoly is a natural one”

Speaking on the perspective of the advocate’s monopoly in our country, the advocates’ community strives to establish civilized rules of rendering legal services. The state becomes an active participant of the economic relations, creating huge legal staff with unbelievably high salaries in every structure. Large law firms take many cases gratuitously, feeling their responsibility towards the society. Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", spoke on these as well as other problems in an interview for the Russian Law and Judicial Information Agency.

Yury Pilipenko: “It is especially lamentable that the judicial authority is no longer an authority, and rarely judicial”.

Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner at the Law Firm "YUST", gave an interview to Pravo.RU. He spoke on the top of the Russian advocacy, which causes pity and laughter, on what the judicial authority has turned into, why the advocates lose their status and the most frequent causes for this, how the ethical code of the advocacy should be amended and of what the “Bermuda triangle” of the causes of its violation consists.

Protection of intellectual property rights: as the copyright holder to receive worthy compensation

Lawyer of the Law firm "YUST" Natalia Gornostay - for magazine "Arbitration practice".

Silence is consent?

Advocate of the Law firm «YUST» Alexander Evdokimov - for the journal «corporate Lawyer: questions and answers».

The arbitration once

Associate partner of the Law firm "YUST"Alexander bolomatov - for the Russian Newspapers.