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The State Duma wants to implement patents for freelances in the media

Ekaterina Boldinova, Senior Associate of the Law Firm "YUST", commented for the Vedomosti newspaper on the amendments to the Tax Code, which will expand the list of the types of commercial activity with patent taxation by adding “activity of freelance journalists”.


Cybersquatters left QIWI without domains

The QIWI Company, which has been actively promoting bitroubles (an electronic currency), has faced cyber squatters. Those register names of sites, where attractive resources may be hosted in future, as their own. When QIWI announced its project, it turned out that several names that have “bitrouble” in them had already been privatized.
Denis Shumskiy, Head of the Intellectual Property Group and Adviser of the Law Firm "YUST", told the Vesti FM station that QIWI could obtain a cyber squatter’s domain through courts, if it alleged the fact of dishonest competition.

The bank cleanings have reached the taxation sphere

Maxim Rovinskiy, Head of the Tax Law Practice and Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", discussed on the air of the Zakon program on RBC TV the amendments to the Tax Code that are intended to solve the problem.

Liable in the State’s stead

VEB became last week the first public venture that officially acknowledged the risk of seizure of its assets in connection with the YUKOS case. Other state corporations are not yet in a hurry to hedge.Evgeny Zhilin, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", commented for the RBC newspaper on why the risk of seizure cannot be ruled out.


Large business scared by amendments concerning bankruptcy of strategic enterprises

Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", spoke to the RBC newspaper if the new amendments proposed by the Government will enable the State to gratuitously confiscate strategic companies and violated the creditors’ financial rights in the course of bankruptcies.

The special procedure of initiation of criminal cases refused to business

Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", commented for the RBC newspaper on the information that the Ministry of Justice has not yet supported all suggestions of the business community concerning the alleviation of the penal legislation in the economy sphere.

By cut and try

Ekaterina Boldinova, Senior Associate of the Tax and Customs Law Practice of the Law Firm "YUST" commented for the Russian Business Newspaper on the extension of the prohibition to create new consolidated groups of taxpayers until 2019.

Private arbitration courts will only be allowed for NCOs – amendments to the draft law

Mikhail Chugunov, Advocate of the Law Firm "YUST", commented for the portal on the preliminary results of corrections to the draft laws on private arbitration for the second reading: private arbitration courts will be created only under non-commercial organizations, and only courts will have the right to dissolve them; but it is yet unclear which courts.

"United Russia" hopes to reduce the prison population by expelling pickers

Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", commented for the Vedomosti newspaper on the draft law moved by a group of the United Russia deputies headed by Irina Yarovaya. The draft law raises the upper plank of the administrative liability for theft to 5000 roubles from the current 1000 roubles. Criminal liability arises, when said amount is exceeded, or if a repeat offence for an amount over 1000 roubles is committed within one year.


The song will be paid for

Adviser of the Law Firm "YUST" Dmitry Seregin commented for the Rossiyskaya Gazeta on the news that the Government of Russia approved the draft of the amendments to the Civil Code entitling the authors of musical compositions to remuneration in the case of retransmission of those compositions