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Domestic energy disputes: the three categories

Partners of the Law Firm "YUST" Evgeny Zhilin and Alexander Bolomatov spoke as experts for the London-based Commercial Dispute Resolution magazine, having pointed out three categories of domestic energy disputes.

Brand wars: attack and defense tactics

Dmitry Seregin, Adviser of the Law Firm "YUST", commented for the portal on the possibility to register a right to the form of a goods, which complicates the consideration of patent cases in the Russian courts

The Department of the FAS stood up for milk

Leading Lawyer Radmila Nikitina, Head of the Antimonopoly Law Group of the Law Firm "YUST", commented for the Kommersant newspaper on the complaint of a raw milk supplier for Unimilk Company OJSC against the undue lowering of the raw material purchase prices and on the subsequent ruling the manufacturer guilty of a breach of the competition law: "It is currently difficult to evaluate the judicial perspectives of the case without having consulted its materials. One can only say that the company will protect its interests if it is able to prove that it applied similar conditions to similar transactions. If the courts confirm the presence of corpus delicti in the company’s actions, one may suppose that this will cause changes to the commercial policy of the company aimed at establishing a more just pricing. In general, it should be pointed out that the company’s interests are directly opposite to those of the agricultural suppliers. Therefore, it is no wonder that said suppliers complain against Unimilk and other manufacturers. This fact does not mean that the manufacturing companies systematically breach the law. Nor does it mean that the antimonopoly authority is ineffective".
Now Unimilk faces a fine from 300 thousand to 1 million roubles.

Ilya Ponomarev has become the accused one in the Skolkovo embezzlement case

Advocate Alexander Petrov of the Law Firm "YUST" told the Russia 24 TV channel about the perspectives of this criminal case

The Hague Court against Russia: whose property abroad may be seized, and to protect oneself

Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", together with the portal assessed the chances to keep the foreign assets of the Russian state-owned companies

Alexander Tkachev, Head of the Ministry of Agriculture, sees no conflict of interests in that his relatives own a large agricultural business

Partner of the Law Firm "YUST" Alexander Bolomatov explained to that the Russian laws aim at publicity, and not at that public officials are unmercenaries

The Government sent a negative response to the draft law on criminal liability for legal entities elaborated by the Investigation Committee of Russia

Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", explained to the Vedomosti newspaper that one cannot repair that which does not and cannot exist by its very nature: a legal entity is a fiction, not a material object

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov promised a “reciprocal” response to the seizures of the Russian foreign property under the YUKOS case: the Russian courts may seize the property of foreign companies in Russia

Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", told the portal that it would be difficult for Russia to react reciprocally to the actions of France and Belgium, because the existing legal system does not give such possibility, and it is unclear, who is to made responsible

A new Partner of the Law Firm "YUST" was elected - Patrick Pohlit

He is an Advocate and a tax adviser under the German law, has over 12 years of experience of advising Russian investors in Germany and other European countries as well as European companies in the Russian market
