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Priority development territories: first year of operation of a new economic zones law in Russia

Partner of YUST Law Firm Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya discussed with whether the law proved to be an effective legal mechanism for attracting investments

New type of real estate in Russia – parking space

Lawyer of Real estate and Construction practice of YUST Law Firm Dmitry Zheleznov told about a draft law that recognizes parking spaces in buildings as real estate on “Morning of Russia” TV program of Russia-1 channel.

The owner of one of the PNK-Chekhov warehouses may go bankrupt

Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm “YUST”, reminded the Vedomosti newspaper that if the borrower companies are ruled insolvent, their assets are to be sold in open auctions

No arguments against “Plato”

The third hearing at Moscow arbitration court on the claim of Alexey Navalny and Ivan Zhdanov, who required to declare void the concession agreement between Rosavtodor and RT-invest transport systems on the launch of “Plato” system took place - the court dismissed the claim. Partner of YUST Law Firm Alexander Evdokimov told Vedomosti newspaper that courts quite often consider cases on declaring transactions void without requiring the confirming documents from the defendant... Read more

“Panama list” will encourage Russians to stop using low-tax offshores

International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) published a list of accounts of the Panamanian company Mossack Fonseca, which includes 11,5 million documents. "A key factor is a stable and reliable investment environment, compliance with the guarantees of due legal procedures and protection of property”, managing partner of YUST Law Firm Evgeny Zhilin told TASS information agency... Read more

End of amnesty: will the banks freeze deposits?

Capital amnesty in Russia was extended for half a year: until July 1, 2016. The latest amendments to the corresponding law (140-ФЗ) clarify and simplify the rules for repatriation of foreign assets: it will be compulsory only for money. Senior lawyer of YUST Law Firm Alexander Rudyakov shared his opinion with portal... Read more

Limitation of rights for minority shareholders prevents them from challenging transactions

The Ministry for Economic Development prepared amendments to the law “On joint stock companies” aimed not only at simplifying approval of interested-party transactions, but also at complicating their challenging by the company’s shareholders... Senior lawyer of corporate and contract law practice of YUST Law Firm Alexander Rudyakov commented on the initiative to portal... Read more

Joint owner of unknown business

The Ministry of Justice published a draft law for discussion which limits the right of minority shareholders to access information concerning the company’s business. The draft amendments... Read more

The court initiated bankruptcy proceedings towards SU-155

According to the materials of the index file of arbitration cases, the Court of Arbitration of the Moscow Region began the supervision procedure over the SU-155 construction company. The decision was taken within the framework of the consideration of the claim by the Russian Business company that requests to rule the debtor bankrupt. The claim was filed with the court on January 14. The developer owes 1.6 billion roubles to the claimant. Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm “YUST”, clarified to the portal that it is not yet about ruling the debtor bankrupt, but...

FAS will allow courts to sell patents without consent of right holders

The Federal Antimonopoly Service invented punishment for copyright holders abusing their domination - amendments to the Civil Code of Russia are proposed to punish them with forced transfer of license to use the invention... Adviser of YUST Law Firm, member of the expert council under the FAS of Russia Dmitry Seregin told portal that the proposal of the service will first of all... Read more