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Russia’s claim against the USA for the sanctions against the Rossiya Bank is unprecedented, lawyers say

A commentary by Advocate Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", for RAPSI.

Not a sealed case

Advocate Evgeny Zhilin, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST" – for the Kommersant newspaper.

Arbitration courts are left without public contracts

Partner of the Law firm "YUST", advocate Alexander Bolomatov - for the newspaper "Kommersant".

A song is not sung without the author

The head of group on intellectual property Law firm "YUST", the lawyer Denis Shumskiy - for the newspaper "Kommersant".

Lawyers: the new Constitution will help Crimea get integrated into the legal field of the Russian Federation

Managing partner of the Law firm "YUST", the lawyer Evgeny Zhilin - for information-analytical Agency "RIA Novosti".

Ukraine wishes to receive gas via Stockholm

Managing partner of the Law firm "YUST", advocate Evgeny Zhilin - for the newspaper "Kommersant".

Going to America is unsafe

Advocate of the Law firm "YUST" Alexander Petrov - for the "".

Lawyers see no perspectives for the request to initiate a case against M.Gorbachev

Advocates questioned by RAPSI believe that the request by the deputies of the State Duma to initiate a criminal case against the first and last USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev in connection with the disintegration of the Soviet Union has no legal perspectives – there is no corpus delicti in M.Gorbachev’s actions, and all reasonable limitation periods have already expired.


V.Potanin’s ex-wife receives the first “large” alimonies

The first “large” sum of alimonies arrived at the account of the ex-wife of the billionaire Vladimir Potanin today, on April 10 of 2014. Vladimir Potanin paid the alimonies for March and for several days of February. The payments were done in accordance with the internal procedures of the organizations, where the head of Interros works.

Potanin pays the first large alimonies

Advocate Tatiana Starikova, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.