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Arkady Rotenberg has gotten into the Northern area. Sheremetyevo has chosen a new investor

Arkady Rotenberg’s TPS Avia became the key private investor of the Sheremetyevo airport. It won the tender on development of the Northern area of the airport (former Sheremetyevo-1 and neighboring terminals), even though it offered almost three times less investments than the competitor “Koltsovo Airport” OJSC (a structure of Victor Vekselberg’s “Renova”). The point is that the winner only claims the shares in the new JVs within the Northern area itself, and the losing competitor – to almost the entire airport. But in the case of TPS, the outcome may be the same, now the company is seen as the main aspirant to the state-owned stock of Sheremetyevo. Partner of the Law Firm "YUST" Alexander Bolomatov provided the Kommersant newspaper with an expert’s commentary on the situation.

Legal Aspect: extremism

The second “Legal Aspect” program was aired at the Echo Moskvy radio station on September 27 of 2013. Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", is the author and a co-anchor of the program. Together with a well-known journalist, anchor Yana Rozova, and the guests of the program Professor Valery Lazarev and lawyer Aidar Sultanov, he considered the matter of who and for what may be identified as an extremist.

Changes in the staff of the Law Firm "YUST"

Advocate Arthur Rokhlin, who has been Partner of the Law Firm "YUST" since 2005, terminated his advocate’s practice in the Firm for personal reasons. Election of Partners, Advocates Artem Kukin and Alexey Popov to Senior Partners of the Firm is the other change in the staff of YUST.

Experts of the CCI of Russia: the draft law on tax control over the banks needs improving

The task force on managing tax risks of the Expert Tax Council of the CCI of Russia, headed by Pavel Gagarin, held a round table “New rules for tax control: business’s viewpoint”. Maxim Rovinskiy, Head of Tax and Customs Law Practice of the Law Firm "YUST", represented the Firm at the event.

The judges added on their explanations

An article by specialists of the Law Firm "YUST": - Senior Partner, Advocate, Doctor-at-Law Artem Kukin and Advocate Vasily Raudin – on the Resolution No. 56 “On making amendments and additions to the resolution No. 63 “On certain matters related to the application of Chapter III.1 of the Federal Law “On insolvency (bankruptcy)”” by the Plenum of the Higher Court of Arbitration of Russia dated 23.12.2010” by the Plenum of the Higher Court of Arbitration of Russia dated 02.07.2013 was published in the “Corporate Lawyer: practicum” magazine.

The courts’ position on certain matters of separate accounting for the purchased goods (works, services)

Advocates of the Law Firm "YUST" successfully represented the interests of Development Corporation LLC in a dispute with a tax authority.

Official announcement of the Law Firm "YUST"

A significant number of organizations that use the word “yust” in their names have recently appeared. Some of those business entities specialize in legal services. We are forced to make it clear that all the above and other quasi-“yusts” have no relation whatsoever to the Law Firm "YUST".

Public-Private Partnership – 2013. Experts discussed the peculiarities of implementation of projects

The Moscow Times conference “Public-Private Partnership – 2013” is over. Its participants learned about the latest legislative changes in the PPP sphere, the possibilities and instruments of attracting funds to PPP projects. Leading PPP experts, representatives of public authorities, large banks, developers and transportation companies, private investors et al. took part in the sessions. The Law Firm "YUST" was the general partner of the event.

Concepts of development of the private arbitration courts in Russia. Will they be classified as NGOs?

Last week, the State Duma Committee of civil, criminal, arbitration and procedural legislation held a round table dedicated to the concept of development of the private arbitration courts in Russia. Representatives of the Legislative, the Ministry of Justice, the judges’ and advocates’ community took part in the event. Partner, Advocate Alexander Bolomatov represented the Law Firm "YUST".

Advocacy’s history and evolution in the process of reforming. Reform of the RAS – evolution or degradation?

The first release of the “Legal Aspect” program, authored and co-anchored by Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", went on air at the Echo Moskvy radio station on September 20 of 2013. The history of advocacy and the reform of the RAS were discussed live with Yana Rozova, a well-known journalist, and the guest of the program Evgeny Semenyako, President of the Federal Chamber of Advocates of Russia.