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Anna KOTOVA-SMOLENSKAYA, Associated Partner of the Law firm "YUST", as an expert took part in the «Interpreting the Law» TV-program dedicated to judicial protection of citizens’ rights.

Anna KOTOVA-SMOLENSKAYA, Associated Partner of the Law firm "YUST", as an expert took part in the «Interpreting the Law» TV-program (broadcasted by “Zakon-TV” on 24 February 2009) dedicated to judicial protection of citizens’ rights.

The Moscow City Court reversed both the ruling of a Justice of the peace of magistracy No. 369 of Tverskoy district of Moscow city, and the decision of a Judge of the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow city on bringing a vehicle driver to the administrativ

The Moscow City Court reversed both the ruling of the Justice of the peace of magistracy No. 369 of Tverskoy district of Moscow city, and the decision of the Judge of the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow city on imposing administrative sanctions on a vehicle driver, in the form of the driving license deprival for eighteen months. The claimant was represented by lawyers of the Law Firm "YUST".

Mikhail PROKOPETS, Representative of the Law Firm «YUST», delivered a report at the International Conference on Sports Law in The Hague, Holland.

On 19 February 2009, Mikhail PROKOPETS, Senior Lawyer of the Law Firm «YUST» delivered a report at the International Conference on Sports Law «Modern trends in European Sports Law» held in The Hague (Holland).

The Law Firm “YUST” received the highest rating by Global Competition Rеview, an authoritative English journal, for rendering legal services on antimonopoly law issues.

The authoritative English journal Global Competition Review in its review (November 2008) of the Russian market of legal services in antimonopoly law area, when estimating law firms practicing in the Russian market, ranked the Law firm "YUST" as Elite.

Artem KUKIN, Partner of the Law Firm “YUST” was elected as a member of the Crisis Management and Bad Debts Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Artem KUKIN, Partner of the Law Firm “YUST” was elected as a member of the Crisis Management and Bad Debts Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Alexander SULIMOV, Lawyer of the Law Firm “YUST”, was admitted as a member of the Russian National Group of the AIPPI.

At the meeting of the Bureau of the Russian National Group of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) held on 12 February 2009, Alexander SULIMOV, Lawyer of the Law Firm “YUST” was unanimously admitted as a member of the Russian National Group of the AIPPI.

The Federal Court of Arbitration of Moscow Circuit left unchanged the ruling of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeals on refusal in satisfying the claim on holding the call for redemption to be invalid.

The decision of the Federal Court of Arbitration of Moscow Circuit as of 13 January 2009 left unchanged the ruling of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeals as of 30 September 2008 which had refused in satisfying the claim by OJSC OGK-3 on holding LLC Energospetsremont’s call for redemption of OJSC Tulenergoremont’s shares to be invalid, and on applying consequences of invalidity of the call for redemption.

Representatives of the Law firm "YUST" took part in a business breakfast organized by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Russia – Club France.

On 4 February 2009, in the Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya hotel there was held a business breakfast organized by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Russia – Club France.

The Law firm «YUST» took part in the conference on issues of investment activity in Luxembourg.

On 29 January 2009, at the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in the Russian Federation a conference on «Financial tools and structures of Luxembourg» was held. Anna KOTOVA-SMOLENSKAYA, Associated Partner of the Law firm «YUST» took part in the conference.»

Counsellor of the Law Firm "YUST" took part in a reception organized by the Mission on Economic Affairs of the Embassy of France in the Russian Federation.

Agnès LALARDRI, Counsellor of the Law Firm "YUST", took part in a reception organized by the Mission on Economic Affairs of the Embassy of France in the Russian Federation.