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Joint owner of unknown business

The Ministry of Justice published a draft law for discussion which limits the right of minority shareholders to access information concerning the company’s business. The draft amendments... Read more

The court initiated bankruptcy proceedings towards SU-155

According to the materials of the index file of arbitration cases, the Court of Arbitration of the Moscow Region began the supervision procedure over the SU-155 construction company. The decision was taken within the framework of the consideration of the claim by the Russian Business company that requests to rule the debtor bankrupt. The claim was filed with the court on January 14. The developer owes 1.6 billion roubles to the claimant. Alexander Bolomatov, Partner of the Law Firm “YUST”, clarified to the portal that it is not yet about ruling the debtor bankrupt, but...

FAS will allow courts to sell patents without consent of right holders

The Federal Antimonopoly Service invented punishment for copyright holders abusing their domination - amendments to the Civil Code of Russia are proposed to punish them with forced transfer of license to use the invention... Adviser of YUST Law Firm, member of the expert council under the FAS of Russia Dmitry Seregin told portal that the proposal of the service will first of all... Read more

Disclosure of real owners by companies will require new legal instruments

The government brought a draft law before the State Duma imposing an obligation on companies to obtain, store and update information on their ultimate owners, and, if necessary, provide it on request of governmental authorities. Non-compliance with these requirements will lead to penalties up to half a million rubles. However... Read more

Government against cancellation of prohibition to disclose confidential medical information

The governmental commission on legislative activity gave a negative review of the draft law that cancels the prohibition to disclose confidential medical information to relatives and heirs of deceased persons... Read more

Russians without a surname will not be able to buy tickets online

Last week the court in Kaliningrad made a very important decision: considering an inheritance claim, the court held that absence of a surname cannot be a ground for denial to issue identification documents. In other words, the court recognized the right of Russian citizens to live in the country without a surname. Lawyer of inheritance and family law practice of YUST Law Firm Svetlana Burkanova gave her commentary on this unusual decision to Rossiyskaya Gazeta... Read more

Rosseti is tired of courts

Rosseti and their affiliate, Federal Network Company, that regularly have conflicts on management issues, are trying to negotiate the dispute resolution procedure. The holding intends to undertake mediation functions in the disputes between... Read more

Expensive competitiveness

The government views the principle of competitiveness in the new draft of the Administrative Offences Code with suspicion – the necessity to summon policemen and officials who drew up protocols may lead to large financial expenses... Read more

Gras group may go bankrupt

Monolit Center company filed an application for bankruptcy of MFK Gras CJSC to Moscow City Arbitration Court. Earlier the developer subdivision of Gras group reported that it may receive two more bankruptcy claims - from VTB and Sberbank... Read more

Business in times of crisis

Managing partners of major law firms told portal how to carry out business in the new economic environment and what practices will be in demand in the next few months... Evgeny Zhilin sees potential for development in the field of business protection... Read more